
Singing For Stress Relief – 6 Benefits of Singing Lessons

Singing For Stress Relief – 6 Benefits of Singing Lessons

While learning to sing can simply be a fun hobby, did you know that it also has health benefits? In this article, we’ll talk about how singing lessons can provide you with a surprising host of benefits. These can include better breathing practice, sleep improvement, stress relief, and other enhancements to your quality of life.

The University of Frankfurt reports that singing has positive effects on the immune system and mental health. With this in mind, if you are searching for a way to improve both your physical and your mental health, it might be a good idea to look into if singing lessons are a good fit for you. 

Singing for stress relief can help with many things. Below are some of the benefits you can get from engaging in a singing lessons program:

Proper Breathing Reduces Stress

Proper breathing is essential to being a good singer. Breathing from the diaphragm as opposed to the top of the lungs is a practice that enables someone to hold notes longer. It also has the health benefit of increasing air volume and oxygen for the lungs.

Good warm-up habits increase well being

Correct vocal warm-up methods increase blood flow, stretch and warm up vocal cords, and teach us how to project vocally. This helps in other areas like public speaking and helps to build confidence.

Proper body posture makes you sing and feel better

In order to sing well, your posture and bearing must support the ability to breathe deeply and clearly. A good singer needs to stand or sit in an upright, yet relaxed posture, and be able to use the diaphragm and chest muscles to full effect. Learning how to sit or stand in a relaxed, confident posture is not only good for joint and bone health, but also helps project an aura of well-being and exude a confident attitude.

Singing relieves stress and helps you sleep more deeply

Singing can possibly even improve your relationships as well as your sleep. A 2008 study from the International Journal of the Science and Practice of Sleep Medicine discusses how snoring manifests between semi-professional choir singers and a non-singing control group. The choir singers and their spouses had better sleep, less snoring and overall better stress profiles than the control group. Regular singing seems to be a win win, for both you and your partner!

Enhance cardio-vascular health through singing

The journal Frontiers In Psychology published a 2013 article that discusses how chorus singers, when singing together, lowered each other’s heart rate variability score, an effect that was shown with both groups of singers and individuals. According to the article, lower variability in heart rate is a possible indicator for improved cardiovascular health. This article also discusses the parallels between various meditative practices and singing and discusses the benefits of both. While research is still ongoing, this indicates that a regular singing regimen can have some great physical and mental health benefits.

Surround Yourself With A Musical Community

Interested in learning a musical instrument as well? Why not do both? Health benefits can be multiplied if you also pursue an instrument. A recent Federal Practitioner article discusses the effectiveness of guitar playing for dealing with depression, anxiety, and overall well-being. 

Singing with a group also brings joy and reduces stress. A recent study by the University of East Anglia discusses how joining a musical community and group performance assists in menta; health recovery. This is a great endorsement for joining a chorale group, a band, or any other type of musical community.

Get Started Today with Singing for Stress Relief

Here at Musicians Playground, we work with aspiring musicians of every age and from all walks of life. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have about singing lessons or guitar lessons and how they can help you reduce stress and improve your life. Contact us online or by phone at (617) 766-0375 to learn more.